
What Should You Do If Your Brakes Fail While Driving?

Handling brake failure on the road can be scary. But when you pass out from the best driving school in Blacktown, you know what to do in such situations.

When you take out your car on the road, you must be prepared for all sorts of eventualities. Individuals who get their lessons from a well-reputed driving school in Blacktown are thoroughly advised by their instructors on how to handle unexpected scenarios while on the road. An important lesson is how to manage brake failure in the middle of your driving. You may be comfortably cruising through the road and suddenly you notice your brakes have stopped working, what should you do? It can be a very tense situation, especially if you’re new to driving. Follow these steps written below to know what is expected of you in such an instance.

Do Not Panic

Easier said than done when you’re driving a car on a busy road, but it still needs to be said. Keep your calm and do not panic. Think rationally of the options you have to stop your car safely. Clear your mind and take the necessary steps needed to get your car off the road and oncoming traffic.

Downshift Slowly and Carefully

If the brakes do not work anymore, the first thing that needs to be done is to slow down your car. Moving at high speeds can cause bigger accidents, so slowing down your vehicle is very important. Put your car in the lowest gear possible. But remember to do this slowly and carefully. Suddenly downshifting from the fourth to first gear can cause your car to skid out of control.

Apply Repeated Hard Pressure on the Brake Pedal

Most modern cars today have a dual braking system, which independently controls the front and rear brakes. So for your car to lose all braking ability, both brakes would have to fail. Keep pumping your brakes aggressively applying consistent hard pressure on your brake pedal to engage at least half of the brakes of your car. This can help in slowing down the car.

Apply Emergency Brake Cautiously

If both your brakes fail, then try applying the emergency brake to stop your car. It is advised to bring your car down to a slower speed before attempting the emergency brake. Even if it doesn’t bring your vehicle to a full stop, it will significantly reduce the speed.  

Safely Get Off the Road

Once your car has slowed down, steer your vehicle to the side of the road to pull over. If you need to change lanes, be very careful. Turn on your turn signals, keep a check on the mirrors, and pay attention to surrounding traffic. Turn on your hazard lights and use whatever is possible to bring your car to a stop.

Do Not Turn Off The Car

In case of brake failure, never stop the car before you have managed to get it off the road. Turning off the ignition will disable your power steering or lock the steering into place. This will take away all your control and not let you manage the car. Thus, it is advised to keep the engine running until you have got your car to safety.

Get Your Brakes Checked

After the entire ordeal is over, make sure you get your car checked by a professional. Ask your mechanic for a thorough inspection and get the necessary repairs done to prevent any further incidents.


Losing your brakes can be a scary thing indeed. But if you have trained from the best driving school in Blacktown, you will know how to keep a cool head. For any driving lessons, contact BTB Driving School.

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