
Learn these 4 Easy Steps to Parallel Park Like a Pro

Parallel parking is one of the most difficult aspects of learning to drive. When you’re in a busy parking lot with a number of cars waiting behind you, parallel parking can be stressful even for the most seasoned drivers. But with practice and patience, you can master this skill too. When you get your license from the best driving school in Granville, you already know these essential tips to keep in mind the next time you parallel park your car.

  • Slower is better

The first thing to remember is to keep a cool head. Take the time you need, as rushing may lead to mistakes. If there are cars waiting behind you, signal with your hand outside the window so they know to pass you. If you are not fully confident, don’t attempt to park in a cramped space in order to save time. Keep driving around the lot until you find a large enough space to comfortably park your car.

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  • Align with the car in front

To achieve the perfect parking position, you need to line up your car with the car parked in front of you. For example, if you found free space between a red car in the front and a black car in the back, you need to align your car with the red car. Position your car next to the car in front of you, as if you will be parking identically beside it.

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  • Park in reverse 

A common mistake that many drivers do is they try to parallel park going in nose-first. This method takes a lot more back-and-forth motions, increasing the fear of accidental bumps. The best way to go about this is to drive beyond the parking space and then slowly reverse back into it. Once you have positioned your car in alignment with the vehicle in front of you, turn your wheels towards the curb, and then slowly start reversing into the free spot. The reverse parking step is the most crucial while parallel parking your car. Driving lessons at the best driving school in Granville will tell you that you must not reverse your car fully on the first attempt. Once you are halfway into the parking space at a 45-degree angle, stop your car, straighten your wheels, and then start reversing again. This will position your car a bit straighter even while it is reversing.

  • Maintain safe distance

Once your car is somewhat into the parking space, turn your wheels back into the opposite direction and inch forward to position it perfectly on the center of the spot. This might take some back and forth turns, depending on your skills. During this step, remember to keep an eye on your car’s side view mirrors. Maintain a safe distance from the vehicles in front and back of you, as well as the boundary of the curb. Ideally, there must be a 6 to 12 inches gap between your car and the curb. 


The next time you have to parallel park your car in a crowded parking lot, remember to keep the above tips in mind. The best way, of course, to hone any skill is rigorous practice. You can enroll yourself into the best driving school in Granville and master your parallel parking skills and any other driving maneuvers. To enquire about lesson packages at BTB Driving School, contact our team.

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