Tips On Driving

Things You Should Do After You Passed Your Driving Test

At our driving school in Black Town, we enlighten our students on what awaits them after passing the driving test. Here is everything you need to know

You must be excited that you have passed your driving test, but things are far from over now. In fact, this is the time to strategize and act on your plans. Many may tell you how to prepare and pass your driving test, but only a few of them will share their insights on what to do after you have passed your test. Don’t worry, we have got you covered with our tips and suggestions. At our driving school in Blacktown, we promise to guide you from the start to finish. So, let us begin.

Can you drive right away? 

Once you have passed the driving test, you are qualified to drive alone, but there are a few things to keep in mind. Even if you have qualified, you are still a new driver and it takes time to build your confidence to drive alone in all types of road conditions. Even veterans make mistakes while driving, let alone first-time drivers who have just faced the driving test. Moreover, unless you have obtained the insurance, you shouldn’t drive around uninsured. When caught, you may have to pay fines and get your license revoked. So, there are variables at play that decide whether or not you can start driving right away.

Have you decided what car to buy? 

If you want to buy an automatic car or manual one depends on the type of lesson you have received. Individuals who have passed their automatic car driving test will of course buy an automatic car. Now, that you know which type of a car you want to buy, it’s time to consider your budget. Will you be able to afford a brand-new car or do you think purchasing second-hand care would be the best choice? Accordingly, you may want to get in touch with a car dealer and pick a car of your choice. Apart from checking the working condition of the car components, you can also test drive the car to check practical experience.

Related Article: A Checklist for Buying Your First Car – Tips from Experts

Do you have to install P plates?

At our driving school in Black Town, we often get asked as to what the P plates are. Well, we will clear the idea for all. This plate on your vehicle shows that you are a probationary driver or a newly qualified driver. We suggest our students use them because it will let the other drivers on the road know that you are a new driver and thus be more patient. This protocol is basically to maintain everyone’s safety on the road. Is it legally binding? Of course! New drivers in New South Wales & Australia are required to display these plates for at least 24 months along with following other road rules.

Should you get car insurance?

While you can obtain the pass certificate from the examiner just after your test, it takes a few weeks to get your full license photocard. Now, even though you can drive before receiving the license photocard, you can’t drive uninsured. As no learner driver insurance will cover you as a newly qualified driver, you need to contact the insurance company for updating the status or arranging new car insurance. Further, you should ensure appropriate vehicle tax on your car. Thus, unless you have looked into these factors, you may have to wait for hopping into your car and start driving.

Conclusion – So, here we have covered important events that follow after you passed your test. Feeling relieved and a little less confused, now? Being the best driving school in Black Town, we are committed to guide driving aspirants at all steps and make them more confident about driving. To know more about us, our offerings, and service packages, give us a call on 0422898301 /0421123254.

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