Tips On Driving

Tips and Tricks to Pass the Hazard Perception Test Easily

Answering the multiple-choice questions and answers is not the end of the theory test to earn a driving license. In fact, you will not be able to figure out if you have passed or not until you have taken the hazard perception test. So, what is it all about? In this test, you will have to react to a series of videos containing hazards that you may encounter while driving in real life. Many aspirants make the mistake of trivialising the test only to end up regretting later. In case you join the cheap driving lessons in North Parramatta, the quick tips for acing the hazard perception test can keep you in good stead. 

Practice a lot

Practising regularly will make you familiar with all the important parts of a hazard perception test. Many a time, learner drivers believe in different theory test myths and don’t take the time to practice for the test. This is one of the reasons why many have to retake the hazard perception test. It is therefore important that instead of believing such myths, you should take the hazard perception mock tests to prepare yourself better. This will give you a good idea of the kind of questions that will be asked in the real test. You should remember that you have to pass both sections of the theory test to become eligible for your driving test. Therefore, you should get some theory test resources to practice and get good marks in both sections.

Click at the right time

In theory, it is quite easy to point out that you should click when you spot a hazard. However, it becomes pointless if you are not able to distinguish a hazard. Here are some examples that will help you figure out what you are looking for when talking about hazards.

-Pedestrians, suddenly moving into the road while they try to get into a car or cross the road
-A cyclist unexpectedly veering in front of you or coming out of a side road in front of you
-Heavy vehicles that are trying to change lanes suddenly in front of you or blocking the view of the road ahead
-Parked vehicles that are blocking the road ahead and forcing you to brake suddenly or change lanes
-Road work that slows you down or forces you to change lanes

You have to keep in mind that you will get points when you quickly spot a developing hazard situation and not a potential hazard situation. The simple difference between these two is that while a developing hazard would compel the driver to take any action, whereas the potential hazard could lead to a situation where the driver has to take an action.

Be alert & watchful

Even if you get cheap driving lessons in North Parramatta, to know the controls of your car you must be ready to take action by quickly spotting any developing hazard situations. That is why clearing this test is so important. It shows that you are aware of the situation around you and have good eye-hand coordination to take swift action in case you spot a developing hazard. You can learn how to spot developing hazards while you are sitting in the passenger seat of a car. The scenarios that we have shared with you above closely resemble real-life situations and you can easily spot them if you pay attention. Therefore, while you are in a car even when you are sitting in the passenger seat, you can learn from these situations that would help you in cracking the hazard perception test.

Related Article: Reasons Why You May Not Pass Your Driving Test

Don’t wait too long

The best way to crack any test is to find out in advance, its structure and what kind of questions you are likely to get. In the theory test, the first part contains the multiple-choice section. After completing this section, you will be asked to complete the hazard perception test. In this test, there will be 14 clips that are shot as if you are driving the vehicle on different types of roads and weather conditions. While watching these clips, you have to click the mouse every time you spot any developing hazard situation. Each time you click correctly in spotting a hazard situation, you will get five points. You have to get 44 out of 75 to pass this test.


While there are a large number of driving schools that offer cheap driving lessons in North Parramatta, to get your license you have to clear the hazard perception test. If you follow the points that we have shared with you in this article, then you will be able to easily crack this test, enjoy the freedom of driving your car and not remain dependent on anyone to drive you from one point to another. 

Related Article: Things You Should Do After You Passed Your Driving Test

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