Tips On Driving

5 Dangerous Road Hazards and How You Can Avoid Them

Join the driving school in Mount Druitt and learn both easy and advanced driving techniques from experts. Here are the 5 road hazards to avoid at all costs.

However much of a proficient driver you are, hazardous road conditions can still get the best of you. According to the best driving school in Mount Druitt, you should certainly be confident behind the wheels, but you must not take driving for granted. The truth is that no one can predict hazards and accidents, and thus you should always follow the rules of the road and stay alert. Here, we discuss 5 dangerous road conditions that you should watch out for when driving. No matter what is your level of learning – this blog is for every driver out there. 

Driving in foggy weather – Sounds like a nightmare, indeed? When you are driving in foggy conditions, you must take extra precautions. To make your car visible ahead and behind you, turn on the low-beam lights. Have fog lights in your car? Even better! It does not require a saying that you certainly have to slow down and take extra time to inspect and drive on the road. If the visibility is almost zero and you’re finding it hard to drive through the dense fog, you should better turn on the hazard light and make a stop on the roadside. 

Rain and wet roads – Driving on slippery roads during the rainy season can fluster even the most pro drivers. As a beginner, you ought to be nervous and we are considerate of your fear. So, here’s what and how you should go about it. Whether it is just drizzling or raining moderately, you should definitely use the headlights and turn on the windshield wipers. That will help you keep the vision clear and also avoid any major accidents while driving on rainy days. 

Potholes and rough roads – To drive on a bumpy road is never an easy task, but if you have taken lessons from a leading driving school in Mount Druitt, you can easily find a way around it. In our opinion, you should maintain a steady speed when driving on such a road, because over-speeding can damage your car tyres when pressed against rough potholes. Should you want, you can also get your vehicle checked after a turbulent drive for remedying any sorts of damage. 

Driving in dry weather – No matter how much you hate, you can’t avoid driving in the heat altogether. Since summer driving comes with challenges, you should prepare your car with proper servicing. Clean the windscreen, check the battery, and top-up the fuel oil before setting out for the road trip. Along with that, you should check if the car tyres are properly inflated and the coolant system is working in the proper condition. 

Close call with animals or pedestrians – Did you almost have a close encounter with an animal while driving in the countryside? If you are not being cautious enough, you may also have a close call with pedestrians on some urban roads. As a result, you should never practice aggressive or distracted driving. Further, you should make the best utilisation of car components like the lights, brakes, and horns to avert any unpleasant encounters and reduce chances of road mishaps. 

Conclusion – Keeping your calm can help you embrace the road challenges, but unless you have learned the right techniques from the best driving school in Mount Druitt, the training outcome will not be very effective. Thus, we suggest you join BTB Driving School and receive personalised training from the experts. To know more, call @ 0421123254 / 0422898301.

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