Myths about Cars

Common Myths about Car Maintenance Busted Here! Find them Out

When you take cheap driving lessons in Mount Druitt, you will learn both driving techniques and car maintenance tips. Here are the myths we busted for you.

Car care is one topic which all drivers are sensitive about. After all, without car servicing and maintenance, you can’t maximise your driving experience. Joining cheap driving lessons in Mount Druitt can be of great help, but ensuring the proper upkeep of your car holds is also important. No matter how well you drive, you’ll get nowhere unless you have a great car to drive in. However, we suggest you don’t take in all suggestions that people share.

Here are some myths we have busted for you! 

Premium grade fuel for better performance – Were you living under the impression that premium fuel is always better than the regular-grade fuel? See, that is an expensive mistake you’re about to make. As most cars run well on the regular fuel, you can easily avoid filling your vehicle with the premium one. After all, using premium fuel does not guarantee better car performance. Using premium fuel will not damage your car, but it is also not going to contribute extra as well. So, you should stick to regular-grade fuel and save yourself the costly expense. 

Replace only worn-out tyres – When you join cheap driving lessons in Mount Druitt, you can learn driving techniques as well as car maintenance tips. The reason being, your vehicle has to be in the best condition to complement your driving skills. They both go hand-in-hand, you see. So, here comes the fact about tire replacement. Some may suggest you not to change them until they have reached the minimal tread depth, but we say you must not wait that long. Start looking for a new set of tires before your current ones are worn out. 

Special servicing in different weathers – Before you spend on expensive services, be informed that ‘summarizing’ or ‘winterizing’ the car does not need you to go for special servicing. The schedule maintenance is sufficient to prepare your car to be driven in a particular weather condition. Driving itself is the best way to warm up the car engine and deliver high performance in cold weather. However, in summer, you should check if you need to replace the car coolant. Overall, if you are particular about regular servicing, you need not worry about seasonal servicing so much. 

Using detergent for cleaning the car – Are you trying cut corners by using dishwashing or ordinary detergent for car cleaning? Well, that is a blunder you are making. Ask any expert, and he is going to advise you against using such detergents because they destroy the wax finish of your car. You sure do not want to drive a car with a damaged appearance, do you? Cosmetic damage will further reduce the resale value of your car later on. So, it’s better if you can stick to the specially formulated car-wash liquid that does not wear away the car wax or paint. 

Conclusion – Taking professional & cheap driving lessons in Mount Druitt is sure important, but how well you drive is ultimately determined by how well your car is maintained. To improve your driving experience now and forever, we have busted some major myths here. Keep them in mind, and avoid making costly car maintenance mistakes. Should you want to learn driving before buying a car, contact BTB Driving School for booking your seat today! 

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