Tips On Driving

Dealing with Heavy Traffic Made Easy with Effective Tips

Take cheap driving lessons in Mount Druitt and learn all techniques to drive like a pro. Here are some tips that make driving in traffic really easy.

Whether you are a beginner or experienced, driving in heavy traffic can give anyone cold feet. The worst is when one loses his or her calm and creates a ruckus by honking horns and trying to overtake the car ahead. But remember that losing your calm is not a sign of a safe and confident driver. While taking cheap driving lessons in Mouth Druitt can help you to a great text, you will have to work on your presence of mind for dealing with such situations with ease. In this blog, we share some tips that can prove to be of great help. 

Use GPS and indicators – While you are driving, a GPS tracking system is going to be your best friend on your journey. Why? Well, using such an application you can understand the traffic intensities on the roads ahead of you and even calculate the route with least traffic to reach your destination in the quickest time possible. This means you can easily avoid congested roads and being stuck in heavy traffic. 

Leave space for other cars – Are you aware of the term ‘space cushion’? If you have taken the best cheap driving lessons in Mount Druitt, then you must not be new to this word. However, to help you recall, we explain its importance once again. The space cushion is the ideal gap you leave for other cars in front of you. Even if you are in heavy traffic, you need to maintain this space to allow easy manoeuvring of your car as well as others. 

Read More: How to Learn Roundabouts for Passing Your Driving Test?

Be consistent with the speed – Now, this one of the most frequently asked questions by most drivers. Should you follow the speed limit or can you over speed to go with the flow of traffic? Over-speeding is always risky and can invite legal troubles, no matter what the situation. Hence, following the speed limit is always suggested. Having said so, make sure you are not too sluggish to make way for others. The key is to maintain a consistent speed that is neither too slow nor too fast. 

Check mirrors often – Changing lanes in heavy traffic can be a tough task for any driver. Whether you are changing from the right to left lane or vice versa, you should continuously glance between your side and rear-view mirrors. That is important to check the traffic approaching in that particular lane. With sufficient practising, you can easily learn to coordinate between hand and eye movements while driving, be it in empty roads or heavy traffic. 

Get rid of distractions – You may think checking your phone is a great pass time when stuck in traffic, but avoiding such distractions is suggested for a number of reasons. When you are not alert, you may fail to see the signal change and start your car. Talking on the phone or listening to music can divert your mind and you may miss checking mirror while lane changing. Thus, to focus your mind on just driving is important to ensure everyone’s safety on the road. 

Conclusion – To simply know these tips will not suffice unless you pick up the necessary skills by joining cheap driving lessons in Mount Druitt. So, do you want to see yourself turning into a competent driver? If yes, then book your seat at BTB Driving School right away. 

7 replies on “Dealing with Heavy Traffic Made Easy with Effective Tips”

[…] Not letting you drive – When it comes to learning driving, it is important that your driving school lets you take driving tests after each lesson to graph your improvements. The instructors at scam schools carry on with the learning process in theory but do not allow you to take test drives just to avoid the hassle of guiding you. A professional instructor will always guide you to improve your driving skills on the road and also teach you the manoeuvres to handle traffic.  […]

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