Tips On Driving

7 Helpful Steps to Becoming a Confident Driver

To become a confident driver, taking lessons from the best driving school in Granville is not enough. You need to put in practice hours to master your skills.

Like everything else in life, driving is a skill that takes time and practice to completely master it. Taking lessons from the best driving school in Granville will help you become a competent driver and let you pass your test easily. But even after you get your license, it is important to keep practising to become a confident driver. Remember: the more your drive, the better driver you will become. Follow these expert tips mentioned below to increase your confidence while driving.

Practice Often

When it comes to driving, the saying “practice makes perfect” is indeed true. You need to put in more hours behind the wheel. The more you drive, the more comfortable you will feel handling the brake, accelerator, clutch, and gear all at once. Start by driving around your local neighbourhood before moving on to bigger roads and eventually, the highway. 

Have an Experienced Driver By Your Side

Many times, a new driver lacks confidence due to nerves. Having an experienced driver beside you in the car will help soothe this anxiety and give you a morale boost. Having someone experienced with you calms down your nervous energy and reduces the risk of making any errors.

Know Your Route Well

Many people, when they start driving, realize that they are not very familiar with the different routes in the city. This unfamiliarity makes them nervous and may cause mistakes. The easy way to combat this is to get to know your daily routes well. Do not depend on the GPS and learn it the old-school way. Get acquainted with the rights and lefts you need to take on your route and this will help boost your confidence while driving.   

Practice Driving in Different Weather

To become a seasoned driver, you must be able to drive confidently in all types of weather conditions. When you pass out from the best driving school in Granville, it is expected that you will be well-acquainted with the driving techniques for a bad weather day. But the only way to become confident while driving in heavy rains or snowfall is by practising driving in different weather conditions.

Practice Driving on Different Terrain

A confident driver should feel comfortable driving in all sorts of road conditions. To gain the experience, practice driving in different terrains like narrow streets, state highways, hilly roads, twisting country roads, cobblestone paths, and roads filled with potholes. Start with the easier terrains first and then gradually move on to the difficult ones. Your confidence will rise with each terrain that you tackle successfully.  

Try Driving Different Vehicles

Once you have gained enough confidence to drive your car around successfully, it is time to take things a step further. Borrow a car from your friends or family and practice driving in different vehicles to hone in your skills. This is to make sure that you feel as comfortable driving a luxury SUV as you are while driving a standard small car.

Drive Somewhere New By Yourself

If you have only been venturing out to known streets, it is time to drive yourself to someplace new. Veer off from your usual route and see how well you can cope with the new environment. Completing the drive successfully will do wonders for your confidence.


Becoming a confident driver is all about getting in more practice. If you too want to overcome your anxiety and become a skilled driver in just a few weeks, book a lesson package at BTB Driving, the best driving school in Granville. 

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